Their faces when they first saw what they got
Dylan's bike
Kayson's spy car

Myklin's barbie house

Christmas tree with presents

Myklin's barbie house
Christmas tree with presents
Christmas was a little different this year because my Grandma & Grandpa went out of town to Washington. My Aunt & Uncle went also, so it was just our little family this year. My Mom, Dad, and my brother Tyler came to St. George. Tyler hardly ever comes down, so it was great to have him here ( the kids & I REALLY do love him) Myklin & Dylan didn't really ask for a specific thing from Santa, but Kayson asked for a spy car. When I saw that it was $100, I told him it was too much for 1 gift, we would have only been able to get him like 1 other thing. So we lucked out and found a new mario bro. game for the wii. Then the next day Eric came home with a big bag from Target & said Kayson's done now. So, Santa *wink wink came through!!!! I loved the look on all of their faces as they saw what Santa brought them. Myklin got a 3 story barbie house, Kayson the spy car and Dylan a bike. They got lots of other things too : moon sand, i pods, watch, shoes, games, wii fit, v- motion, books........the list goes on & on. Kayson's Dad got him his own cell phone and said Kayson about fainted when he opened it.